The Rager from Hell

The Rager from Hell

Bending lights, shaded faces

Masked silhouettes

And several thousand secrets

The party is a rager

And the heart is dead

We were on a mission

A group of foes and friends

Misfits and miss pretend

Daggers in disguise

Dreadfully wise

Bending to our will

Our demons came to kill

Dancing bodies

Death like grips

Dark isn’t just a side

You see, this dark is our hide

Morphed into miscreants

And so descended the defiant hellions

Pray for your souls

And pray for the dead

Pray for the departed

Because we’ve just started.

Daggers in disguise

Dreadfully wise

We’ve come to kill

Make you bend to our will

The Magic

The Magic

You remember too much

Of amber roses and stone cold touch

You remember a battle

The accompanying bloodshed

You remember chasing yourself

Through a sheltered wood, dark.

You remember the steely blue gaze

And the fire warmed hearth

And the sun warmed porch


Where did the magic go?

The restless ending of trivial events

Then enchanting rise of the sun

The new beginnings in wintry sunrises

Simple magic.

Maybe I’ll wave it myself.

In words, I’ll weave the magic.

Weave it into an embrace

To cover our cold, dead hearts.


You see I have felt it all.

The magic in everything

I have felt grandeur of the sunrise

And the vainglorious sunset.

The tense impatience of the wind

The urgency of the gathering clouds

The love felt in every pelt of a rain drop.

The sunrise has all the grandness of birth, the simple burst of yellow light is like the revelation of a great secret to the world. If you see petals bursting forth in fast motion, you’ll know what I mean.



too much